about 1S4IWT
Currently, there is no formal structure and or culture in the inland waterway transport (IWT) sector for upskilling. 1System4IWT aims to build a learning system that will act as a solution for ensuring and enduring continuity of education & training. This project will design the system architecture for interconnecting education & training institutions e-learning platforms with the Inland Navigation eLearning System (INeS) which has been developed in previously EU funded projects, in order to exchange and share digital learning material and to provide information about individual learning progress to users in organized learning settings or to individual users in form of badges or microcredentials using open standards.for IWT students and workers and generate a „personalized learning experience”. The project will focus on developing commons resources, that meet the needs of nowadays trends and challenges for (incoming) staff (boatmen) in the IWT sector. The partners want to: – create a resilient, easily accessible and future-proof education & training system for the inland waterway transport sector (by creating new content and building a platform); – achieve a process of structured cooperation, focusing on formulating and developing needs and learning outcomes, between the fields of education, industry and social partners (by means of a community of practice); – contribute to a strong brand to further improve the positioning of the sector.