On operational level this covers the knowledge and skills related to the following main tasks of the boatman:
- The boatman should be able to assist the management of the craft in situations of manoeuvring and handling a craft on inland waterways. The boatman should be able to do so, on all types of waterways and in all types of ports.
On management level this covers the knowledge and skills related to the following main tasks of the boatmaster:
- The boatmaster should be able to plan a journey and conduct navigation on inland waterways. And also be able to choose the most logical, economical and sustainable sailing route to reach the loading and unloading destinations. Taking into account the applicable traffic regulations and agreed set of rules in inland navigation.
- The boatmaster should be able to apply knowledge of the applicable rules on the manning of craft, including knowledge on resting time and on deck crew members composition.
- The boatmaster should be able to sail and manoeuvre ensuring the safe operation of the craft in all conditions on inland waterways. Along with situations that involve high traffic density or where other craft carry dangerous goods and require basic knowledge of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN).
- The boatmaster should be able to respond to navigational emergencies on inland waterways.